Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fun Job Board

After searching on Pinterest for a few hours, I came across several different job boards that I have melded into one.  I ADORE Harry Potter and it is sad to me that the series is "old enough" that our current middle school students are reading about Harry and friends for the first time.  I guess I'm getting old because I remember when my class and I anxiously awaited a new novel debut.  **sigh**  I have decided to bring some HP to my classroom this year.

Here is the result of my labors.  "House Elf Chores"

Each student has a sock with their name on it which they will color/decorate to make it unique to them on the first day of school. Each clothespin has a number and a one-word description of the job for that week.  On the paper next to the 'clothes line' is a more detailed description of each job and what the student is required to do.

You have to love Dobby.  Hopefully the kids will like the theme for the jobs this year.

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